Saturday, April 19, 2008

Floor Programs

In response to Evan Schapiro's post on Floor Programs I couldn't agree more. I haven't been to a single one this year. It's almost like a vicious cycle. No one ever goes, so RA's don't spend time on making them all that much fun. This results in nobody going. I think a huge benefit to Floor Programs would be for the RA's to use the school's money to supply free food to the students. I realize some Floor Programs do provide the students on the floor with free pizza, ice cream, etc. but it is never advertised that food will be there. Evan's right. Friends get together, order food, and watch a movie all the time. So why wouldn't you want to do this with all expenses paid for by the school? I think RA's should let the students know that the school pays for everything because I don't think everyone knows that. The fact that attending Floor Programs isn't the cool thing to do also plays a role, but I wouldn't care if it's the school paying for delivery.

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