Sunday, April 13, 2008

I Know my Kid's a Star

I saw two episodes of the VH1 reality show I Know my Kid's a Star earlier today and was amazed. The show combines the talent of a child with the managing ability of the parents. Hosted by former child star Danny Bonaduce, this show seems to have the potential to go multiple seasons. At first I felt myself asking ‘why am I watching this?’ But after the first five minutes I was hooked. This show is awesome. From a viewers standpoint that is. These parents are out of their minds. And the kids reflect it. Each potential child star is more screwed up than the next. The parents push their kids to be the best and because of this, the kids usually end up hating their parents. I'm sure the point of this show was to be like a younger version of American Idol where people watch to see how talented these kids are. Instead, it has turned into a Real World type of environment where the majority of the viewers watch to see if any of the mothers kill each other. I love it. But it seems unfair to these kids who deserve parents who care about their kids rather than their kids' careers. I would never want my kid to be this focused on a career at this early in his or her life but if it’s other people’s kids—who cares. I love this show.

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