Sunday, February 10, 2008


At this point in my life, Facebook is nothing more than a way to keep in touch with friends from home who are going to different schools. It's a good way to compile random photos taken into one giant random album. It is also a great tool to help know when a friend’s birthday is coming up. But I know at a certain point some pictures of some people are going to be the downfall of their careers. Once the pictures are on Facebook, there is no telling who is looking at them. I can guarantee that our future president for the year 2040 has a Facebook right now. I am almost positive that this individual has pictures of themselves that they are less than proud of. Whether it’s underaged drinking or anything illegal in general, that future president is going to be in trouble once these pictures of them as a young adult are exposed. If the leader of a large corporation is shown in a picture with this person in a negative light, I can guarantee that that companies stock will plummet the following day. These pictures show weakness in the individual and that shows weakness in the individuals company. And if you're a person of high stature, you cannot afford to show any weakness.

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