Sunday, February 3, 2008

Knicked and Dimed

Couldn't agree with you more here, buddy. Heres my take:
Adding $300 to our tuition on top of $40,000 is nothing. So why not make it $40,300 for the year and include an internet service that works (the gold plan) as well as "free" cable. The difference between 40,000 and $40,300 is nothing and it's much less painful than getting a cable bill every month for $50. I know my brother goes to a school where all of this is included and my parents are much happier about it. From a business standpoint I am aware that they add all these costs on to the tuition but for some reason it makes the consumer (the students and their parents) a little happier and more content.

For me, I have no choice but to spend $50 a month on cable because without ESPN in my life, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Also without Run's House and Rob and Big I would be miserable. I know very few people who don't have the gold plan internet or cable. Hopefully next year the school will change and include these amenities in the grand total instead of nickel and diming us to death. This also forces my parents to pay for cable instead of me.

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